Rocking a read-through!
Thanks for Clayton Rocks for hosting our first official rehearsal and read-through! As a director, it’s rare to feel like “We cast this show PERFECTLY!” at the first read-through, but that’s EXACTLY how we felt when we got to experience our cast interacting for the first time!
Community Garden Cast List
Thank you to all the talented folks who came out and spent Tuesday evening with us! We are ecstatic to present Clayton Community Theatre North Carolina’s very first cast!! Congrats to all, and please keep an eye out for more information on our first rehearsal on August 22nd at Clayton Rocks in Downtown Clayton!
Thanks for joining us!
Thanks to all the talented locals who came out and auditioned for us tonight! We were blown away by the amount of sheer talent we saw tonight! Very impressive, Clayton! Please keep an eye on our Facebook page (or here!) for the cast list! It should go up within a couple days!! Thanks again!